I'm Svoykina Nadya
Frontend developer
I am Frontend developer with 4+ years of experience.
Currently living in Moscow.
I worked a lot with React & Redux, have a big experience in onboarding, mentoring and technical interviewing.

Experience & Education


Worked at the Ad tech team (Yandex Direct)

Lead a major product feature with 4+ developers engaged

Developed new modules in feature-sliced architecture with high coverage of unit testing using Jest, React testing library

Conducted 40+ tech interviews

Onboarded and mentored 6 new team members

Held training meetings with QA team

  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Redux
  • Redux toolkit
  • React query
  • Mentoring


Migrated legacy ad creatives module to new stack (React, Redux)

Developed ad campaign pages (create, edit, view statistics) with SSR and mobile version

Created service's web widget. Worked with security issues (ITP, third-parties cookies, etc)

Writing integration tests with Webdriverio, Selenium

  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Redux
  • GraphQL
  • RxJS

Sberbank Technologies

Created frontend for clustering analysis from scratch using React, Redux and Typescript

Developed dashboard page with analytic graphs and search interface for Elasticsearch

Developed a REST Api based on Django application using django-rest-framework and connected it to MongoDB

  • TypeScript
  • React
  • MongoDB
  • ElasticSearch
  • Django Rest Framework

Technopark Mail.ru

Technopark included two semesters of studying web development, each semester considered final project created in a team. You can check projects in section Projects.

  • Web
  • Highload
  • PostgreSQL
  • C++
  • Python

Bauman Moscow State University

GPA: 4.78/5.0

Thesis: Security issues scaner for GraphQL web application

  • Algorithms & Data Structures
  • Linear Algebra
  • Discrete Math
  • C++
  • Frontend
    ES6, Typescript
    React, Redux
    Sass, CSS Modules
    GraphQL, RxJS
  • Utilities
    Webpack, Babel
    Jest, RTL
    Webdriverio, Selenium
    Storybook, Sentry
  • Additional
    Python, Golang
    Github, Bitbucket